Huge progress for the Cameron YDNA Project has come this month of February after the Big Y700 test results, one last year and one this month.
Thanks to the work of tireless Cameron YDNA Project administrators Jo Cameron (NZ) and Lorraine Smith (Canada) amazing revelations regarding are deep ancestral roots are now available for all Camerons to peruse.
If you haven’t considered having your DNA tested, this latest update may inspire you to get on board. familytreedna.com is the place to go, as this is where our Cameron YDNA project resides. But don’t do anything until you read the update and contact either Jo or Lorraine for advice in the first instance. The exercise is not inexpensive, but it is valuable and highly rewarding. See: Family Tree DNA
It takes very little to unearth amazing genealogical connections. My cousin and I are the only two in our cadet that had our YDNA tested, resulting in the revelation of our unique cadet branch Macmartin of Blarachaorin, branching off the main paternal line 1400 CE, with our 5 great grandfather being the most recent common ancestor around 1750 CE, Blarachaorin being the highland village where the Macmartin-Camerons resided.
The link to the update can be viewed on the Header of this website or from the link below: